As a congregation
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church is a community of believers carrying out Christ’s mission to make and nurture disciples. We have stated our mission as:
As believers in Christ
A disciple is one who finds his or her identity in Christ as a forgiven child of God. The Lord desires that we continue to grow and mature as disciples. While there are different ways this can be described, from Scripture we observe that maturing disciples:
- Gather regularly for worship
- Grow in their faith by connecting to the Word of God (This may be done through personal reading of the Bible, devotions, and prayer. It may also be done in groups with others Christians.)
- Serve God and others as faithful stewards. In response to our Lord’s love for us we use abilities and time to serve others at home, in the community and in the congregation. We also financially support God’s mission.
- Go and be a positive witness and ambassador for our Savior in our words and actions

Ministries & Activities
Through the various ministries and activities of our congregation, we seek to make and nurture maturing disciples. Some of these activities are:
- Worship Services
- Sunday School
- Variety of Bible Studies
- Jr. & Sr. High Youth Groups
- Events for Children and Families
- Prayer Chain
- New Member Classes
- Food Pantry
- Servant Events in our Community
- Confirmation
- Choir and other musical ensembles
- Vacation Bible School
- Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
- Gold Club (Fellowship for our older members)
- Mission Trips
Check out our calendar, announcements and/or newsletter on the website for when various things are happening. You may also contact the church by email or by phone for more information.