Watch our Worship Services Online:
At this time, we will continue to broadcast our Sunday worship service for those who are unable to attend in-person.
The Beautiful Savior pastors and church council would encourage you to contact either pastor or the church office if you have any spiritual concerns, prayers or are wanting a pastoral visit. You may also contact a pastor to schedule an appointment for private communion.
Click on the date of the video that you would like to watch:
Please note that you can find the corresponding Bulletin (for services in the past month) under the “Worship” tab if you would like to read along.
Note: Fall, Winter & Spring: We offer 2 worship services each Sunday.
The 2 services have the same message – just the music is different.
Note: Summer: From Wednesday, May 22 thru Sunday, September 1, we offer
2 worship services each week. The first service for the week is on
Wednesday evening at 7pm and the other is on Sunday morning at 9am.
They are the same service (music, liturgy & sermon).
The Sunday morning service will be available to view online.